Christopher Matthew Vela - Online Gedenkwebseite

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Christopher Vela
Geboren inTexas
19 years
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When tomorrow starts without me Don't think I'm far apart, For every time you think of me, I'm right here, in your Heart.

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Christopher Matthew Vela who was born in Texas San Antonio on January 21, 1987 and passed away on September 6, 2006 at the age of 19. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.
Christopher,known as Little Chris or Little Man was a tender loving person.

He had many friends and loved them all equally.  But as he would say "family comes first ,mom".  Chris, as i know wants to say that he loves his big brother Charlie and loves his sisters Amanda,Sabrina,and baby Heathyr. He will always love his other brother Rocky who also passed away on the same day. As a mother i can hear my son Chris that he loves me and loves his dad. He has been promised from the LORD that one day we will reunite in heaven. And as he would always say "No Worries,mom". I feel joy to know that my two Guardian Angels will always watch over us. Chris enjoyed life and everybody around him. He was so active and a good host. and just as his brother Rocky,he would help the needy or handicapped in one way or another. I have many touching moments about my son Christopher. I remember one day when he came for me and his baby sister and drove us to the clinic. Baby Heathyr was so sick that day. When we arrived he carried her inside for me. As long as it takes to be called in a doctors office he stayed with us the entire time,patiently and concerned for his sister. When they finally called us in Chris immediately took over. He asked the Doctor if he had some medicine for his sister that would help her feel better. Chris took the words right out of my mouth. At that instant i thought Chris would one day be a good daddy. But the LORD had a different and better idea for him instead.

furthermore, we left the clinic and drove to Walgreens drug store. During that time we noticed an old lady strolling across the busy intersection with her shopping cart. Chris immediately pulled over and gave the senior citizen a helping hand. When they both finally made it to the other side of the street, I realized that GOD gave me some nice,wonderful children. I felt proud for my caring boys. Chris worked at Pizza Hut as a manager where everybody respected him. He loved his co-workers. As a high school student, he won several awards in Photography including two 1st place awards in the Greater San Antonio Area Photography Contest. He had plans to study as a PhotoJournalist.

The LORD, as we know, blessed Chris and Rocky and is embracing them right now. Both believed in GOD The Almighty. Both loved their family and friends dearly. They had so much commitment to friends and relatives. They brought so much joy,and laughter and tears within all the time. My Heavenly sons leave behind a great number of friends and lovin' family. I will cherish their soul in my heart eternally.

Love, Mom.

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